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Yiman Infotek is continue to grow during the past three year, and crossing to several fields. Base on multimedia interactive design, we have gathered strength and self-training to increase high quality to service in all kind of corporations in Taiwan. Our main business is the web development which involves two groups: Visual Art Design Dept and IT Dept. This year, we are going to combine other expertise to increase our services which are BTOB, BTOC, and CTOC. The new business line will be intensive integrated of developing mobile phone video and corporate with internet server to clients. If you are the one who wants a stage to prove your skill or need an environment to mature your skill, please submit your resume and join us as possible. 本公司是專注於IT產業多媒體互動軟體研發設計 1. 主業務為互動軟體規劃包含企業External and Intranet 系統整合、視覺UI設計,、多媒體設計 2. 次業務為網站設計、平面印刷設計、及3D建模 A.) 網站設計: 包含各大中小企業網站前台視覺設計,及後台系統規劃。研發技術以 HTML, XML, CSS, FLASH AS, ASP.NET, ASP, SQL2005, PHP5, MYSQL, and others relative B.) 平面設計: 包含 CS 系統設計,平面規劃設計到包裝設計 C.) 著重於Maya 3D 建模及運用於網路3D 3. 藉由科技與藝術創作的結合,品牌行銷搭配互動多媒體及網路行銷,更為廣泛及應用,進而提更高層次的品牌形。 如以有相關人員請投遞履歷到 [email protected] 或者經由518
Axel Language Center has been educating children since 1993. We are a group of professional English teachers full of patience and energy. We provide our students with the best environment and highest quality resources for learning English. If you are also interested in teaching children, we welcome you to join us! 亞瑟英語補習班創立於1993年. 我們是一個專業的英語學習中心, 希望能為孩子們提供一個專業但充滿歡樂的英語學習環境. 如果您跟我們一樣對英語教學充滿熱忱, 歡迎加入我們的行列.
邁思會展是一間年輕、有創意、活力、服務熱忱及良好口碑的專業會展公司,提供最專業之國內外會議、企業活動之全方位諮詢、企劃暨執行服務。如果您有創意和活力,歡迎您加入我們這個大家庭! TW MICE - The Leading DMC in Taiwan TW MICE’s competitive edge is our focus, professionalism, local knowledge, language advantage and experience. We have always sought to promote and enrich Taiwan as MICE destination and provided access to perfect event experience in Taiwan. The founder and employees of TW MICE are experienced MICE industry professionals and we are passionate about the activities TW MICE promotes and offers. We are confident in our ability to meet the needs of our customers with infinite possibilities because we have been working in the MICE industry and understand the expectations. TW MICE’s confidence and ability translates into confidence for our client and a starting point towards developing long-term relationships and trust. TW MICE is your trustworthy partner for our clients who select Taiwan as their MICE destination as we are the best in the industry and our strong strategic partnerships with suppliers. Through consistent professionalism, we ensure you receive every detailed attention you deserve
公司簡介及所有工作機會 經營理念 求才公司介紹: 【產業類別】 教育服務業 【公司產業描述】 學校及文教機構 【 員 工 】 暫不提供 【 資本額 】 暫不提供 【人事聯絡人】 黎主任 【公司地址】 苗栗縣頭份鎮成功里13鄰7之2號(351) 【 電 話 】 分機233 【 傳 真 】 【公司網址】 http://www.chienkuokids.com/ 公司簡介: 建國幼稚園位於苗栗縣頭份鎮,鄰近新竹市,這裡的生活機能雖不如台北、台中、新竹,但卻是一個潛著許多資源的鄉鎮,如果您是一位有能力又認真負責的老師,您將會得到許多家長的肯定。建國是以孩子為主的學校,這裡有千餘坪的教育環境,提供老師發揮所長,開展另一個工作的高峰,只要老師願意學校願意提供場地、資源讓您全力衝刺,為孩子和您創造美好未來。附設英美師德補習班,我們將美語學習的歷程,透過系統化的一貫教育設計豐富的課程,在中、外師共同的引導與教學中,完成英語基礎的建構。 主要商品 / 服務項目: *學前教育、兒童美語、安親及專業課輔、九珠心算、KMI潛能激發、聯合報作文班與全民英檢初級專班。 *目前需求幼稚園教師、兒童美語教師、專業課輔教師、全民英檢教師,需有3年以上教學經驗,大專以上相關科系畢業者尤佳。 福利制度: 享勞、健保、三節獎金、提供研習機會。工作滿一年續約者有約滿獎金及員工旅遊,工作表現優異者考績可列為優等,年終外加獎勵金。 外縣市來此工作老師,學校協助找尋住宿地點。 應徵方式: 【職務聯絡人】 黎主任 【聯絡E-Mail】 [email protected] 【其他應徵方式及備註】 ●請先投遞履歷表,合格者會通知統一筆試時間,筆試內容: 一、班級經營與管理 二、教學準備與成效 三、親師溝通與互動 四、職場倫理與態度 五、團隊合作精神 應徵此職務建議讀本: 1.自慢:社長的成長學習筆記 作者:何飛鵬 出版社:商周出版 出版日期:2007年04月10日 語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789861248479 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010358431#detail 2.好老師在這裡!一份教育現場的觀察紀錄 作者:林文虎 出版社:天衛文化 ISBN:9574901920 http://www.tienwei.com.tw/product/goods_detail.php?goods_id=478 3.動力老師萬歲!創造體制內的教育空間 作者:林文虎 出版社:天衛文化 ISBN:9574901920 http://www.tienwei.com.tw/product/goods_detail.php?goods_id=547 Thanks & Best Regards 建國(英美師德)教育機構 Chienkuo Education Institution You can,I can, so we can. 建國因為有妳.有我.所以「我們」一定行 You are the best, I am the best, so we are the best. 建國因為妳是最棒的.我是最棒的.所以「我們」是最棒的 http://www.chienkuokids.com/index.htm 351苗栗縣頭份鎮成功里13鄰7-2號 037-689115
Corsair Memory, Inc. is a leading supplier in the design and manufacture of high performance memory products since 1994. We have experienced over 40% year-on-year sales growth, with over 100% year-on-year volume growth for the past four years. We are the leader in high performance memory for hardware enthusiasts and extreme gamers, and we provide world class server, mainstream desktop and flash memory products. We are now searching for quality companymate to setup an Asia hub Corsair海盜船是來自美國的記憶體製造商,產品主要著重在需要高效能表現的超頻、遊戲以及伺服器系統上所使用的記憶體;海盜船科技的產品在歐美廣為企業級伺服器所採用;例如Yahoo或Google網路業者。海盜船並有一系列玩家精選記憶體,是針對市場上主流的趨勢而推出的產品。此外,Corsair海盜船並有一系列隨身記憶碟,SD卡等多項產品。 Corsair海盜船進入記憶體市場已經十年了,在記憶體超頻方面,Corsair海盜船絕對是先驅,在2000年Corsair海盜船憑著本身的研發能力,開闢了記憶體超頻這塊市場,之後也有愈來愈多廠商加入這塊市場,但是憑藉著Corsair海盜船產品的創新和高效能的表現,讓Corsair海盜船依舊能在市場上保持領先的地位。在過去四年來,Corsair海盜船以每年40%的營業額成長實力,震撼了整個記憶體市場;未來Corsair海盜船更將以世界的記憶體新霸主為挑戰目標,面對此多樣且蓬勃的市場需求,海盜船科技已做好所有準備,全力迎接未來的挑戰。為達此一目標,Corsair海盜船繼成立歐洲發貨中心後,現正籌備立亞洲檢測暨發貨中心,以美歐亞洲三個發貨中心做區域供貨以提升供應鍊的時效。 海盜船科技所堅持的經營理念,是建立一個互信和諧、充滿挑戰與成長的工作環境---如同Corsair海盜船的產品一般,亞洲發貨中心正在尋找”高效能”表現的工作夥伴一同加入,一起挑戰成為記憶體新霸主的目標。
本公司巳是三十年的汽車零件優良製造商,廠址位於台北縣瑞芳工業區.產品超過5000項.100% 產品外銷. 客戶遍及全世界.目前為世界車門零件領導廠商. 在此次經濟危機中,我們持續穩定成長,歡迎有志同道合的你一起加入,打拼經濟成長. 2009下半年我們公司在逆境中持續投資擴廠, 需要新血加入. 希望有緣一起打拼. Our company HuShan had established in 1972 and specializes in Auto Body Parts and Accessories such as Door Window Handle, Outside Door Handle, Inside Door Handle, Door Lock (Assy), Hood Lock (Assy),Door Hinge, Hood Hinge, Inner Pull Handle, Clips, Window Class Lock, Rear Gate Lock Handle, Window Regulator, Door Key Set, Window Cranks and other hardware. After many years in specializing in Auto Body Systems, today we are the leader in its sector and work close with wholesalers and retailers globally.
In the field of professional casino products, MING Is equipments have been regarded as the best for more than 20 years since 1978. Competition has not affected the quality and popularity, and the reputation has been spread to many parts of the world. We specialize in manufacture of professional casino table accessories, and we principally take care of Blackjack, Baccarat, Poker, Roulette, Craps, Pai-Gow, Keno, and many kinds of table game accessories, like brass and stainless steel drink holder and ashtray, security drop boxes and tip boxes, dealer shoes, clay chips, chip tray, poker chip set, casino dice, cutting card, quality roulette balls, wheel checks, and solid brass win markers...etc.                                We are able to supply with any kind of equipment relating to gaming table according to a customer’s project. In our service you could submit some new ideas which will be converted into the final innovative product, which can improve the value of the game table, and also your companys good reputation. From the raw material, through a strict production process, we can obtain the finished quality product, and finally with the professional delivery services, you are going to have such as works of art like a perfect service experience, also to make a successful business to operate more smoothly.
尚宏化工有限公司為專門環保塗料製造公司。本公司是專業從事環保水基塗料和各類塗料,各類木製家具和產品塗料。如:NC漆,聚氨酯塗料,丙烯酸塗料。我們成立於1972年,在台灣嘉義當地經營超過30年頭,並且擴展其業務觸角在中國,香港,越南,泰國和其他國家。我們擁有第二生產基地於中國,深圳廠與香港業務分公司。 現在,我們正在尋找新的市場和新的潛在客戶於台灣/美國/歐洲。如果你有興趣,請不要猶豫與我們聯繫!我們保證尚宏化工為您提供了最好的環保塗料。 San Hon Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. is an exclusively paint-manufacturing company. The company is professional in making water base environmental paint and various kinds of paint for all kind of wood furniture and products. like:NC lacquer, Polyurethane coatings, acrylic coating. We was established in 1972 and local in Chia-Yi, Taiwan over the last 30 years, San Hon Chemical has extended its business over China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Thailand, and other countries. We also has an affiliate plant in Shen-Zhen, China, and one branch in Hong Kong . Now we are looking for new markets and new potential customer over the U.S. Europe and Taiwan. If you are interested join our company. please do not hesitate to contact with us! We guarantee that SAN HON gives you the best environment paint of the world.
N BRIEF HORNSONIC has launched the professional OEM / ODM of loudspeakers(driver units) range for Hi-Fi , PA , Car , multimedia , etc. onto market since 1985. Today we comprise three plants which are located in Taiwan , China , Indonesia, with three regional offices separately in Taiwan , USA and Hong Kong in handling global sales and distribution. 95% of the turnover is for export worldwide-Japan , USA , Europe , Australia , Asia , etc. In its facility area of about 35,000 square meters and approx 1.8 million pieces of loudspeakers (driver units)can be manufactured monthly . All the production is implemented under ISO 9000 to keep the quality in good manners. The people who in HORNSONIC research center with the advanced facilities and equipment are often enthusiasts , with many years of experience in meeting customers s changing demands and the very expertise to ensure that everything is properly set up to deliver the best performance. 1991 - Hornsonic International Corp.-headquarters in Taiwan 1985 - Hurng Yin Electronic Co., Ltd - Taiwan plant. 1989 - Humg Yin Electomic(HK) Co., Ltd - HK office. 1998 - Hera International Inc. - USA office. 2000 - H&Y ELECTRONICS SDN - BHD. YOU REQUIRE IT WE LL HAVE IT !! HORNSONIC INTERNATIONAL CORP. Head Office : 12F , No . 333-335 , Wen-Hsin Road , Ku-Shan Dist., Kaohsiung , Taiwan. Tel : 886-7-553-1626~8 Fax : 886-7-553-0701 Email : [email protected]
iiTron’s has a passion for building innovative Internet Appliances that utilize the latest in Wireless & Audio-Video technologies. We specialize in IPTV Set Top Box, Wireless, GPS & Security products that are designed for a performance and quality you can count on. Our goal is to provide the best possible cost/performance and user-friendliness
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